Some great pics, can't wait till March.
Just wondering how many here are actually students vs us that work. I've been finsihed school now for a while and working.
Here they start next week too, after the Labour day weekend.
Slow for sure. Just another monday, everyone trying to get over the
Too late now, but for a hangover, Vitiam B6, speeds up the metabolism of the booze. That and lots of Gatorade.
Awesome pics, getting more and more excited looking at the pics :D
To sound like a newfie, you have to grow up a newfie. we are very distinct that's for sure, talk really fast. If I meet some of you in March,...
nothing wrong with Nfld. slang :lol:
Could be all kinds of reasons. Maybe in the two years that you were apart that she's had some bad relationships and now realizes what she had and...
Nice pics
Unless you live in Nfld. where we are an 1 1/2 hrs. ahead of you :wink:
Good news for sure.
You have been added now
I don't have your msn to add ya :wink:
There just added ya :wink:
You have less info on your profile than I
Very good call on that. I thought it was there. Changed in a min.
why beat around the bush? :P you can add me too :wink: :lol: :lol:
that sucks, all work an no play isn't any good. oh and if you want another friend, add me to MSN :wink:
As long as the work gets done, who cares what ya do :D