Not much, takin' it easy tonight, then a few beers and UFC tomorrow night.
More awesome pics.
I haven't been around long enough I guess :lol: :lol:
Yes all this work is real hard :lol:
Most of the girls on here are very nice :D
If I win the lottery between now and then, consider your trip
All your help. I appreciate it.
This is work :D Like I've always said, my goal is to get paid the most for doing the least I can :lol:
I'll be your friend too.... :D I owe you and Apple
I'll be your friend :wink: :lol:
That is so true.
Awesome pics :D
lol yeah true, just something differnt I guess, not like it was hard, just made me realize that I don't miss school one bit. :lol:
had a little break last week, went back to school for a week on a training course, nice little break.
Work is always Here's to the beginning of a new week.
Looking forward to it for sure.
Looks like a blast.
Some of the best weekends is when stuff just happens without planning it. Usually don't have plans until the last minute anyway. A day and a half...
whatever works for them I