Steakhouse is included for everyone. Room service is included in any room if you are a member. Jamie
Latest update done. :) Jamie
Latest update done! Jamie
You found the right spot and have a great beginning. I've added you to the roll call. Now get your friends to join, add their avatars so folks...
Thinking or did? Let me know and I'll change the dates. Jamie
Same as Cancun... wear a mask all the time you are outside your hotel with the exception of sitting down to drink and eat. We did it last year...
Latest update done! :) Jamie
Latest update done..... Jamie
Latest update done.... Jamie
Welcome to the addiction! :) What are your first names and when is your wife's birthday so I can add it to the Roll Call. Jamie
Damn... miss you by a day. :( Jamie
Anywhere you can put one foot on your balcony and lean over the railing and see a spot of blue water. :) Jamie
Got it... any chance you'd like to share your first names? :) Jamie
As promised, I have created the May Roll Call. I've added everyone here that has posted dates so please check them to see if I have them right....
For those that are new, the way this works is as you add you name I will update the first post in the thread. So the latest list of who is...
It's the Official Roll Call for May 2021! Useful Info: To and From the Airport The best way to get to your hotel and return to the airport...
Just so everyone knows, I’ll be starting the unofficial official May Roll Call in a couple of days. Jamie
Been there, done that. . Even have done 3 in 15 days. Jamie