Foamy Neon Night at the pool with Guest DJ Momis Alanis! :) Hint: It's on the Roll Call at the top. Every days big activities are listed. ;)...
Updated... Jamie
Just realized something..... We'll be arriving on the 13th... staying till the 28th... This visit is kinda special... it will be our 26th visit...
Thanks for the reminder that I needed to update the calendar with the new events. :) And for your answers.... here's the link you were looking...
How long are you staying? :) Jamie
Your dates suck..... just letting you know..... :( Jamie
We'll be arriving on the 13th... staying till the 28th... This visit is kinda special... it will be our 26th visit in 24 years... but at the end...
Updated.... Jamie
Updated..... Jamie
Unless the Coast Guard shuts down tours, the cruise will always go out. That being said, forecasted rain may not occur where the boat goes, when...
Updated.. Jamie
When is your anniversary? Jamie
Updated. :) Jamie
With the increase of folks going to the roll calls on Facebook, there hasn't been as much of a group interaction here as there used to be. :(...
The Boobs Cruise is a definite must if you go to Temptation. Only true requirement, other than having fun, is that the ladies are topless. I know...
I HATE when I do that..... fixing it now. :) Jamie
Good point! I'd hate to pay $600 to join a men hating cannibal group! :eek: Jamie