Hey everyone! Sorry I was late to the party this year, but I started a new May Roll Call which Steve will soon replace the old one with and pin to...
It's the Official Roll Call for May 2023! Useful Info: To and From the Airport The best way to get to your hotel and return to the airport...
It’s over on Isla Mujeres. It’s a $25 pp round trip ferry ride from Embarcadero, where the pirate ships leave from (Ferry to Cancun | Xcaret...
Updated.... :) Jamie
Updated...... from Isla Mujeres. :) Jamie
Flew down on Thursday on JetBlue. No mask required on the plane until they opened the door in Cancun. So I guess it depends on the airline as how...
Updated...... and it's a bonus update since I'm already on vacation and sitting in a hotel room on Isla doing this. ;) Always in it for the...
Actually it's been so long I've forgotten your first names. :oops: Help a poor boy out....... Jamie
No.... with everyone seeming to move to FB there isn't the ability to gather the masses on either platform so..... :( Jamie
What are your first names for the roll call? Jamie
Hard to add you to the roll call without dates. :) Jamie
I second the call to be on that Boobs Cruise.... can't come all this way and only enjoy half a vacation! Jamie
Oh sure..... after all these years and you have to leave the day I get there. :( Jamie
A little bird told me that the 13th cruise might be a special one.... :) Looking forward to it. :P Jamie
There's enough posts on here to tell you what you are looking for. :) Jamie
Updated...... Jamie
Did you mean to post something? :) Jamie
Updated........ May 23rd is the only day left that we don't have someone arriving on... ;) Jamie
Welcome! :) Added you to the May Roll Call so you can see who's there the same time. Temptation Roll Call May 2022 Jamie
What dates are you coming? Jamie