What staff has returned bartenders, waiters ect
When Steve says your back and no I don't want any Rumple Minz....then 1hr later ok maybe one.
Just asked about mini bar and the reply beer, juice and coke, 4.5 star really like anything changed
50 days today waiting for the big 30 days out.
People would bring down their own music after 2am,
When you walk up to the bar and bartenders already knows what you drink.
I think I'll go to the web site and ask the online chat what it will be, they should know or able to find out.
Temptation is the same way if you loose you band, it cost you but it would be so much better if they did that instead of the card
Ask some people on here, there are some who are really bad on boats but get a patch that they can go on the cruise and actually works
I feel like this is watching a pot of water waiting for it to boil(a watched pot never boils). Its killing me
I did me yes for the cruise
Yes need you ask ;)
Well booked for the 8th-23 Sept Waiting on the flight
That's up 31%, it sucks
Waiting to board the plane bow time is really dragging along UT at least it's no raining and calm winds
My red hair is easy to spot even as much as it is thining
Hey going around asking people if they are members of CCC is a good way to meet a lot of people, get them to join they party the more people the...
single digits here 9 days for mi ties last stand
Single digits just to make it through the weekend and I'll be good to go... oh need to get another bottle of rumpleminz.