60 so far, full point is 100 hopefully get the bigger boat. I would do 4 in May.
Should do the cruise on the 11th too two always better than one
I used the one out side next to the little gift store.
They are hard to find in New York, at least now
I know that's why i am looking into it now sad to say , i wish my blue cross blue shield worked there
dirty trucker hat sounds ,good put it out
No theme if you wanna take lead
Reservation made USA transfer confirmed flight booked now the last month
I was on the boat one May when 10 min out woman broke her ankle and Steve had to turn the boat around, but Albotros took care of everything I...
oh ok thanks now to do some shopping
yes that is what i seen in the last ten years at least one person messed up
oh didn't see that just skimmed through
I don't know the prices down there for treatment and I never get any insurance just afraid someday going to catch up to me
Did anyone see this https://booking.originalresorts.co/insurance/ I was...
If that's the new check in, they need Damian and Norma there to teach them, Now I'm going have to break in newbies now at check in LOL
No you arrive the day I leave, you should come a little earlier
Steve did say there were things he knew about and could not say, maybe some on call for that LOL
That's what I thought maybe only for tower guest, wasn't one of the restaurants that way or did that change?
Just look on the site and I bet it is the SKY bar the dress code is trendy swimwear
Members i am sure will be offered a tour around the place when they check in