Sept 8-23
No, there are us there that are single on the roll call just fewer there is a singles roll call Singles roll call
UGHH now Irma coming around the arrival day
Down to single digits, first packing done only three more repacks to go.
This is one September Theme Nights AND...
Omar or Chinos always says "if your not a good swimmer or you to drunk stay on the boat" I have never seen anybody pushed in and I have been on a few.
Bump this back up
There are so many different one just try one of each the second day your there you'll find you will like.
This is almost full, what a party this will be
Welcome there is a boobs Cruise on the 11th it a blast you should get on it
Me when I drink I get really hungry and the burger fill me sooo good but you'll see me picking all night at everything I can, but the greasy...
Plenty of room jump on the boat and meet the chinos
The resort recycle but the CCC has different ones it depends on what ever group you go with and what they decide on having.
Hello you should extend now, your going to wanna anyways 3 days is to short, mark my words LOL
It's been closed and reopening the 15th,they used to have them whether they have them after reopening you will have to wait till the 15th opening...
Your going to have a blast
OXXO is just up the street 5min and not to over priced that's where I get my MT Dew and chips if I don't run to Walmart.
The last few times there seen floaties in the pool
30 days now time to crunch the weight loss, need to drop 10 more