hubby and I will be there oct 9-18 th have a drink or two at the pool!
23!!! just 23 days and well be on the plane headed to sexy pool!!!
getting close now!! need to start packing!!!
wow!!! that's great! carbs down to almost none. cheated ate 5 triskits haven't drank much beer in a long time. just one day at a time, but...
have cut the carbs way down. very hard!! im sure it will get easier.
purus ketofeed nutritional fuel
question for keto folks. do the keto powders work?
your funny steve
phil and Kathy oct9-18th
we will be there oct 9th to 18th sounds like a great line up for theme nights
ive noticed that its really hit and miss. just make sure to have some must haves in your carry on, then go about your day.
way way too many!!!!!
we will be there same time you will have a blast! buy you a shot!
thanks def. need to start a healthy routine that's for sure.