I'd bet if you tally up all the expenses a month you can pay for with a card you'd be there. We didn't think so either until we did the math and...
Capital One Venture has worked out great for us. We've had it about a year and a half and we were able to fly to Calgary from Philly round trip...
Age would be an issue. Amanda and I were 27 on our first trip in May of 2015. Being on the boards we found we were on the younger end of the...
Use the search feature and you can find anything you're looking for. There's also a December 2017 thread and closer to December there will be an...
We will be there the 8th-15th. 3rd trip, second time in December.
Yep and the drinks will be waiting for you in the fun hole
Hopefully it's open for all. Although going with the trend of how they do things, it will probably have some type of fence around it (member,...
The only resort Amanda has felt comfortable enough to wear them. Hell she was in a G String and topless 3 minutes after we got to the sexy pool...
They're definitely doing a damn good job of keeping the anticipation up. There doesn't seem to be a clear cut answer on anything. I think what we...
Make sure if you are searching you clear your history and cookies. If not, these sites have been known to see that you've searched and will raise...
Hey we are there the same days as you guys. You'll have a blast. May was our first trip and we were welcomed in with open arms. We get in around 2...
Keep in mind this is only if you have a mobile share package. Those of us still lucky enough to have Unlimited data get the shaft on this deal. I...
Definitely need to make a decision on Naughty Schoolgirl night. Preferably the 6-11 ; )
We definitely had to pay for our taxi out of pocket.
It's a rip off in my opinion. But, we felt it was better to try it out for a day before booking a trip and not enjoying it. Luckily we did because...
How good are you at selling? We did it in May. We talked to someone at concierge about it. We explained that we liked Temptation but we're looking...
See ya on the 6th!
Fantastic! Sounds good.
December 6-11 Second trip. MAYHEM broke us in, lets see how the December crew is! Look for the short cute blonde that looks 18 and you'll figure...
Looking like December. Haven't decided for sure yet.