Cover ups are all Amanda brings and that’s just to get into the restaurants. Sometimes a semi vanilla top to match her MS bottoms for a normal...
We’re definitely hoping for 5 girls (or more) posing and doing some luges. Used to be able get away with that but from recent yellow card comments...
Are you guys thinking more DRM now? We’re doing a split this TTR trip because of the mixed reviews. Just curious if that’s your thoughts because...
June 3-6
Just booked a split trip with DRM. We’ll be at TTR June 3-6. This will be trip number 3! Can’t wait to get back and see the changes.
Anyone figure out the details of the insurance? We’re going to book this afternoon and didn’t want to pay any extra for something that doesn’t...
She’s definitely going to need some willing participants to help keep her a float! I’m sure she won’t have any problems finding some help.
Thinking the split for June may include an extra night at DRM to try that out. Amanda’s 4’11”. That pool is going to be a real pain. Guess we’ll...
Unfortunately we had to cancel our trip for December. Hoping for a late May or Early June trip. Jannet can you remove us from the roll call please?
Second week people, who's just following the resort themes vs coming up with CCC themes? Seems the roll calls a little light so it may not be...
Awesome Steve thanks!
Does the site look different on mobile to anyone else? It looks and works much better than before. Whatever was done, thanks!
I wouldn't venture off the tourist areas of Philly, Pittsburgh, Harrisburg, Atlanta, DC, or any other major US city the same as you don't venture...
Any of the Lush tower rooms done yet? If so, any chance of a pic?
Dec 8 - 15th 2 Maybe
Actually you ended up in the pool in full clothes last time you pulled a surprise..
Once the official thread gets going it'll probably be a little more active.
Joined the Facebook group to watch Steve's live videos of the opening. Removed myself from the page the other day. Entirely too much drama to clog...