Dates: July 15 - 29 Number in Group: 2 Interested in Boobs Cruise? Yes, can't wait! Iceberg is back! hahahaha
going to miss you guys this Trip, but we will see you at our wedding!!!!!
Hey Bostonfancy, Enjoy your trip! from a couple of LS and Yankee fans. lol
a few more weeks and we get the Official Roll Call form Steve and Janet. lol
yes, thank you! We will be back to our regular May trips after this years wedding! I look forward to seeing you guys again!!
See you guys on the 27th! Drinks on us! lol
Hi Sexy F@ckers! Theree are 2 other July threads out there but they are a bit hard to follow. Until Steve or Janet make it official, here is one...
If you can't see breast, nipples, or bottom lips, it's waaaay to much clothe on your body! For Boobs Cruise, only time we wore clothes was...
We always pack our own JBL Extreme USB speakers.
Is anyone having bracelets made for July 2018 groups? If so, for when and how much??
interesting..... good luck folks! enjoy it!
I like where this is going...
What are the tentative theme nights for July 2018? I'm more interested in July 15-29th for selfish reasons. lol
does the Boobs Cruise count as a fishing trip? LOL
most pics are not postable.. lol
July 15th! 4.5 months, i think.... LOL
July 15th to 29th for our Honeymoon, back to where it all started for us.
See you on 7/15!!!!
Hey Angela!!!! See you on the 15th for our Honeymoon!!!! Whoop Whoop! we get to party together again!!! See you soon!!! Carlos&Alicia