I thought TTR was the adult Disney resort?
Another cure for a hangover would be not to drink - lmao
So, Eddie is the extrovert. Gets along with everybody and everyone. Doesn't need the drinks to fit in and have fun. Looks at the good with...
Or for a newbie, I have heard about the liver problems and the Boobs Cruise and the entertainment staff. What can we expect besides that. She is...
Yes unusually quiet today. Got more work done than last week. Not sure if that is good or bad
Wow, I leave for a half day and people are getting spanked, wtf. Can't do that anymore.
Two for the 11th Eddie and Mark
I am guessing that first visit doesn't cut it either? LOL
Actually the only change for you guys was that the 4th and 6th were switched, so the 4th is sheer night and the 6th is LBD night. Shouldn't...
Looks great! How in the world did they get those holes in exactly the right places? LOL
First of all, you are telling people to stop posting and stop reading. Same could be said with you. Stop posting and stop reading. how's that...
Sounds like every day is a meet and greet> We are really looking forward to this, going to be quite the experience
Even though we aren't gonna be there yet, you can't do this without Nikki and Ira. I think you need to do it the 4th!!
Really sucks that we aren't getting there until the 7th. Missing this, the toy party and who the hell knows what else. :banghead:
OMG - this thread is still going on. Never been to TTR, but going in October. If you go and have fun, go again. If you go and don't have fun,...
Steve, you said the 9th, maybe the 8th. Really hoping for the 9th. Would be great!!
Two of my favorite things also.
Well played!
So in the September thread they are talking about Wet Pussy Shots and Lube. I thought Octoberbreast was the fun group?