the 14 to the 21st... does that still work for the bang?????? heheheh
if i wasn't in so much pain i would be jumping up and down!!! cheering... oxoxoxoxo
and extra special bang!!!!!:angel1:
looks like mission accomplished,, i think i shall be doing the 14 to the 21.. first drink is on me,,,,,, woohoo,,, cant wait,,, fyi,, also...
Ohhhh I just noticed that as well... yes those were my original dates buthat they've since changed....a few extra days huh.....that's not too much...
you got me 10 to 17!!!!.. woohooo.....
just booked the same,!!!!.. wooohoo.. let he countdown begin:biggrinbandit:
hi guys and thanks for the request... will you be gracing us with your presence In september?? oh i surely hope so ,, would love to share a drink...
dam you !! DAM YOU ,, DAM YOU,,, you guys hid from me and i couldn't get my goodbyes in!!!!!! arghhhhh,,,, no fair,,,, i miss my gor and ginny...
You guya are killing me... it's like searching for the illustrious unicorn ....... I leave tomorrow at 2... I'll be at the pool from 11 to 1.......
Where are you.... can't find you guys based on that pic... lol......I'm in room 1205....
who am i kidding,,, i have one 12 hour over night shift,, and 1 8 hour overtime shift to survive till its time to party,,,,, i too am counting...
144 hours.. nothing like counting down huh,,, heheheh,,, let the games begin
you are mess this year... we shall stick you in a chair and bring the party to you,,,,,
thinking go you guys,,,,, look into sept 28,, were going back again,,,,, join us!!
only 1 12 hour overnight and 1 8 hour ot shift stand between me and the PARTY!!!!!!
i bought 2 new pairs of flip flops today,, perhaps you won't steal them again,,, ok ok ok ,, perhaps i might not get to drunk to forget them...
longest 10 days ever.. . ughhhhhhh,,,,got any tips to speed up time
well you can look for 999 more,,, oh wait,,, theres another in my group.. that means you only need 998 more.. heheh
Hey guys.... Oh hell yeah!!!! Can't wait...... 13 more days!!!! First drinks on me!! (: