17 to 24.. let the games begin.... now to make time fly
Is it Jan 20 yet???? Can't wait......
Ok. Guys .. I'm back and can't rave about it enough.. ttr on steriods..... it was worth every penny and I too already sigNed up for November!!!......
I'm sooooo in :)
Gonna try out the Bliss cruise to make up for my withdrawls this year.. anyone else joining ... anyone have any tips or hints on how a cruise...
oh helllllllo my sexies,,,, yes it was sorrowful that you couldn't join us,,, chris and Sharon came and we had a grand time,,,,, we have aleady...
Can't find you again!!!!.. I'm in same seat.or .. room 3301.
The under 24 hour countdown has begun!!!!!
It will make it a little easier if your not on the boobs cruise...lol
Ok.. so im on the look oit for a a black panther.. got it.... I'll be the bright redhead with the huge shoulder tat of flowers, the geisha girl...
Sooooo how am I going to.find you in a pool of people???
Woohoo..... sexy pool... premiere bar 330 pm Tuesday!!
i am up for that challenge,,,,,,,,, i shall be first drink in at sexy pool by 3pm on the 13th,,,,,, have my frozen margarita extra tequila ready...
i got the 516 on jet blue
had to shuffle around because of work,, so I'm only there the 13th to 16,, gotta make every minute count,,, can you help me????
ok,, to keep the bosses happy ,, i had to rearraign a bit,,, but the nurse is in the house sept 13th to the 16th,,, short and sweet but lets make...
what flight on the 16th??? I'm returning then too,,,, 13th to 16th for me,,,,,,,,
and the scheme has worked,,, i will be there sept 13 to 17th,, in my own room
hey wait,, I'm a red head with pierced nipples too..... hope you don't get us mixed up... lol