Planning A Bachelor Party For About 14 Guys Is This A Good Spot For It ?

Discussion in 'Temptation Cancun' started by YoLo1234, Mar 22, 2023.

  1. YoLo1234

    YoLo1234 Newbie Registered Member

    Mar 22, 2023
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    Planning a bachelor party for my buddy I read online mixed reviews this isn’t a place for a bachelor party ? We just wanna party and this place sounds fun haha!
  2. MikeandHeather

    MikeandHeather I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Jan 30, 2018
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    Your research is correct. It is fun “haha”! but….
    Our own personal observations and opinion is it is not a place for a bachelor party for 14 single guys (or any bachelor party), unless it is singles week or…..everyone is bringing their own wives, girlfriends or dates….or a lot of bail money and have alternate accommodations when one of the 14 gets out of line (which NEVER happens with a football teams worth of single guys where free booze, hormones and sexy people in sexy outfits mix) and all then get removed from the property by security?
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  3. Steve

    Steve Administrator Owner

    Feb 14, 2003
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    Probably not, it usually ends in trouble.

    But definitely don't think about booking the Boobs Cruise :)
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  4. T&D PA

    T&D PA Regular Registered Member

    May 20, 2015
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    While the hotel does allow singles, I have found it is primarily couples. You guys may feel like outcasts for that reason. In addition, unfortunately, other bachelor parties have made a bad name for themselves which in return has caused many of the regular guests there to instantly have a stigma against said parties.

    There will be lots of sexy women there. Most will be married. Some will be married and in the LS ( I say this because depending on the time you go, that may be your only option of some sort of female interaction- but you have to know how to proceed and not be a horny toad). If you all wanted to come and actually have a decent time and not feel like rejects, you should read through this forum and get lots of the advice that is here. I think you all could have a good time if every single one of you is aware of the stigma that exists with large bachelor parties and every one of you understands the do's and don'ts. This is def the tricky part because the odds of that happening are likely slim to none. There is always that ONE guy.. lol.. This is not a Vegas party hotel. Although that is what they seem to be promoting these days, the truth is, there is a LARGE following of regulars that have been coming for 20+ years. And up until the renovation, this hotel was probably 95%+ couples. So the bulk of the people staying at any given time is likely not privy to large bachelor parties.

    I have read from other posts that bachelor parties have felt left out.. They didn't quite realize just HOW many couples go versus singles. We were there last year and there was a group of about 5 guys that came together. Not sure if it was a bach party or not. But I noticed they stuck with each other the whole time. I could tell they wanted to interact, but they likely felt out of place because the bulk of the people there were couples. In all of the times I have gone, post reno, I have seen only a handful of single women. So yeah, with that said, you guys may want to think about it and try a Vegas hotel if you don't think every one in your party can act right.
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  5. mexico24

    mexico24 Guru Registered Member

    Aug 1, 2013
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    Not right for TTR. Even if 13 of you are super cool, there is always one that will ruin it. The only thing a group of 14 dudes will do is kill the vibe and have all the ladies put on their tops. Mote bachelor parties end up going off the resort for fun, or wander around like a group of lost puppies. TTR is like "BYOB", bring a girl, don't expect to find one there. We've had/seen some bad experiences with bachelor party dudes. There have been fights also when these guys get drunk and handsy.
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  6. FreezingCold

    FreezingCold Enthusiast Registered Member

    Jan 31, 2013
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    March 2011 our first trip:
    Bachelor party from UK. Dudes were out of control lol. Running around the sexy pool doing cannonballs into the hot tub areas, landing on people (and spraying that nasty foam everywhere that used to accumulate in certain areas of the pool.
    These guys were blacked out at breakfast. They ruined the vibe in many instances. There were a few fights, one of the guys had to be taken out of the sexy pool area on a wheelchair because he was so drunk and out of control and bleeding.
    Wife didn’t feel totally safe walking around by herself at times, especially in the old bathroom designs with the M/F shared hand washing sink area.

    Now with all that said, we fell in love with Temptation immediately and purchased a membership on our first day there lmao. Next week will be trip #12. Can’t wait.
  7. MandyJoJo

    MandyJoJo Regular Registered Member

    Aug 29, 2020
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    Like someone else said singles week would be the best time for a bachelor party. This year that will be June 9 to 16th.
  8. SUPnSun

    SUPnSun Regular Registered Member

    Jul 23, 2018
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    I live the hotel… but I’d never go as a big guys trip. Lots of couples here, most 35-55 in age.

    Also most rooms only have one bed…
  9. r&a 1964

    r&a 1964 Guru Registered Member

    Dec 30, 2012
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    We have gone to Temptation once or twice a year for over 10 years. So we have seen a few bachelor parties. Almost every time by the second or third day they are either going off resort to party or are getting thrown out. If you are going to go off resort to party there are a lot less expensive places to stay in Cancun.
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  10. wild1s

    wild1s Naughty 'n Nice Registered Member

    Aug 29, 2012
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    As much as I personally do like bachelor parties, I don't think this is a good idea. I have seen parties of 5 or so work out where they behaved themselves and everyone had a good time, but I think 14 at this place would be asking for trouble. The exception (as someone said earlier) might be singles week, but even then, probably not.
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