Can someone give us some more info on the lingerie Casino night? What type of games are played etc..what are the usual prizes etc.? Wife is wondering if she wants to participate or not. Thanks.. D.
They usually have some woman from the crowd to come up on stag and strut their stuff they give a bottle of wine I think for that then the me get to do something like that too. The auction off tshirts and Temptation stuff with the chips you get from the casino
The answer for this is yes. Everything is more fun if you participate. The prizes are nothing special. But they also aren't the point. The fun is in participating. The prize could be a ratty old Tickle Me Elmo doll and it'd still be fun to compete for it. More fun than watching other people have fun anyway.
Almost everyone participates in lingerie night. I have never actually made the Casino part of the evening but when I have showed up to Patty-Os, most people were in some type of lingerie. It is my understanding that to get into the casino part at Nice Shoes, you have to have lingerie on. (guys just do boxers or underwear)
Yep, you need to be in theme to even get into Nice Shoes for the casino/show. It's probably the one night that EVERYONE actually dresses up, so definitely get involved! now.....there needs to be a double like button here. ratty old tickle me elmo....made spew pepsi on my shirt
Hef-style robe, open button down shirt and boxer/briefs, role-play costumes to match (ie. cops, pilots, firefighter, etc...)
Wear as "nothing" as you dare! soon as you are in they will encourage you to be nude. Go for it! Likely you've been fairly nude all day?