I was wondering if anybody has used pure coconut oil as a suntan oil. In researching it, I discovered it has been used by the Pacific Islanders for thousands of years as a natural suntan lotion. It is suppose to give a really bronze tan quickly. Anybody have experience using coconut oil instead of the commercial suntan oils?
I love coconut oil and research a lot about it but it's sunblock is only a natural 2. But it is awesome for after tanning. I got a pretty a bad sunburn last month and I never peeled by applying it every day after TTR trip.
Ok, so allegedly, by using all natural products you allow your skin to get rid of impurities and therefore allow the pores to open and close as they are meant to, without all the toxins. So, in theory, even if a product has little to no SPF, your skin "knows what to do" and properly protects you from the sun. I have semi tested this theory on my face - the face lotion I use contains 100% natural ingredients, and when at TTR as well as here in Central FL, I have not put sunscreen on my face except for 2 times I was paranoid (Boobs Cruise day and a day at home) and my face has NOT gotten sunburned this year - usually, I get sunburned on my face VERY easily (but then it turns to tan). Coconut oil should essentially have the same results but I haven't tried it. Someone posted on here a few months ago saying that's all they've used for years. I'm avoiding something so I'll look for it and post if I find it
Coconut oil is excellent for use both on your skin and in your tummy. Very healthy stuff but not much spf though. It will give you an awesome tan if you are careful how you do it.
http://www.cancuncare.com/forum/tem...lic-service-announcement-those-new-girls.html Shocking to many of you, I am sure, the response I was looking for JUST HAPPENED to be in a thread I had started. Please, contain your astonishment!! About 4th or 5th post down, AdamNTerri
Thanks for the lead on the thread, I thought I had read somebody uses it on everything. It was AdamNTerry in your thread. I wonder what the chances are in getting burned using it totally. I guess I better give it a try before leaving, do not want a miserable trip. Thanks for the responses, I knew I could count on this forum for information.......
I love love coconut oil for just about everything from taking my makeup off to digesting it lol! I haven't used it solely to tan though, but I don't see why it wouldn't work, plus you'll smell yummy & your skin will love you for all the moisturizing! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Smelling yummy could be dangerous at TTR...look out for people walking around with pineapple, trying to make you into a pina colada!
I kind of thought it might be a 2fr, smell good and taste good and no chemicals on the body to block the sun, guess that is a 3fr. Problem: what is the difference between coconut oil, virgin coconut oil and extra virgin coconut oil? I can see that question going all type of places......