We are on board with all of the themes.... We are in favor of keeping Mardi Gras on the 25th and moving school girl to the 26th and doing sexy lil' dress on the 27th. I (Tim) also favor that Kelsey wear those boots to all the theme nights.
Agreed, messing with the calendar too much lends for much confusion ... at this point, we like Mar 11/12 CCC themes and hope that it remains the same -let the Party begin! :icon_biggrin:
That is where I think Summerbum had the great idea. I see DerekandKelseys side also though. I have switched the themes around per dates( according to the BC date and how people suggested). I am going to leave the week 5 "schedule" on the calendar as is stated below the same as it is on PAGE 1/ POST #1. But I have had several people contact me now about the idea of just flying by the seat of our pants for that week. So I would suggest that people pack and plan for the themes on this week but maybe bring an extra lingerie set(like you weren't going to already!), and some other sexy dresses and what have you to just be prepared for the impromptu change in schedule if some want to just do up 2 lingerie nights or 2 schoolgirl night..... It is VACATION... don't get too wrapped up in the rigidity of a schedule people!! Thats all I ask. Week 5: SUN 24- CCC: 4 dove(aka dress shirt night... see below) / TTR - ANYTHING GOES, Interactive games along with heart stopping dance routines MON 25 - CCC: Mardi Gras / TTR - coco-bongo's..BALI-HAI NIGHT=special dinner buffet right outside TUE 26 - CCC: schoolgirl/schoolboy night(kilt) / TTR - KARAOKE NIGHT @ Nice Shoes WED 27 - (TENTATIVE Boobs Cruise), CCC: sexy lil dress / TTR - REVELATION SHOW-most seductive atmosphere of El Embarcadero restaurant, discover your greatest fetish THU 28 - CCC: lingerie&/PJ Party(come to the sports lounge after nice shoes) TTR - Casino/Lingerie FRI 29 -- CCC:white/glow night / TTR - BACCHANAL WHITE PARTY-Romans toga Night SAT 30- CCC: sexy little dress / TTR - DAZZLING Temptation SHOW & POOL PARTY SUN 31 - CCC: sheer/see-through / TTR - ANYTHING GOES
I have read most of what the people are saying, for some of us that are arriving early in March ( Feb 28 to March 14 ) status quos on the themes would be best as most have already bought there dresses. By moving naughty school girl like some wanted from the 6 to the 2 would mean that there would be no school girl them from the 2 to the 12, the majority of the people that have already purchase this theme and arrive after the 2 for 7 days would miss it all together, easier to come together and combine two themes them completely change some, just my two cents here,,,,,