Alright guys, not so much detail this year. Well, could be because there are a few nights with empty spots in my memory, oops! And I won't be able to name everyone, just know that if you saw me, had a shot with me, had a drink with me, danced with me, or anything else, know I had a great time with you! For my second time at TTR, I was amazed I had a better time then last year! Stepped on the resort on Friday afternoon and felt I was back at home. Hit the zoo, the jet skiis, and Steve's cruise. Did most of the theme nights, no one did 80's night, and I was too drunk to get into my white men's shirt, but everything else I did do! Found out they did Mr Temptations a little different from last year, and actually yes Greg, you did still owe me even if you didn't get the 60 or so points! Had an issue with the suncare lady. Only got lost getting back to my room at night twice this year! Overall, everyone was great, I can't wait to go again! Hopefully I'll keep in touch with all you guys and maybe next time I'll do better with understanding the accents! I know, my report is boring, but everyone who was there with me knows what happened and I just wanted to say thank you for a great time to everyone all at once and make it easy on myself! Looking to book trip #3 soon!!!!!!!
Glad to hear that this year was even better than last! I am curious about what happened with the Suncare lady though?
Great report! Lol what issue did you have with the sunscreen lady? What do you think made your second trip more fun than the first? We are looking to go back next summer for the 2nd time and I wonder how if/how our second time around will be.
Joe, you know I always have good T-shirt stories, but you weren't there to hear them. Just know Joe, since I was single this year, no bringing home t-shirts to the boyfriend! So, much more fun and no way of getting in trouble for it!
Ok, so suncare lady seemed to think she was a doctor or at least better then all of my five doctors I have. And what I'm allergic to is not true, so then she proceded to rub some lotion all over my chest without asking first. Samantha bought into her little chat and paid the ridiculous amount that she is charging for stuff. Long story short, if you find a product that works for you, avoid talking to her or you'll be sucked in to paying $20 or more a bottle of aloe!