I am a Canadian: The new version... I AM CANADIAN I am in the minority in Calgary, Vancouver , Toronto and every casino in this country.. I was born in the forties, fifties or sixties, yet I am somehow responsible for some First Nations people being screwed out of their land in the 1700's! I pay import tax on cars made in Ontario I am allowed to skydive and smoke, but not allowed to drive without a seat belt. All the money I make until mid July must go to paying taxes.. I live and work among people who believe Americans and Canadians are Ignorant.... These same people cannot name their own country's new territory. Although I am sometimes forced to live on hamburgers and don't have a pot to piss in, I sleep well knowing that my taxes helped purchase a nice six figure home in Vancouver for some unskilled refugee. Although they are unpatriotic and constantly try to separate... Quebec still provides most of my nation's prime ministers. 95% of my nation's international conflicts are over fish. I'm supposed to call black people African Canadians, although I'm sure none of them have ever been to Africa for that matter. I am being told that paying a 200% tax on alcohol is fair. I am also being told that the same tax on gasoline is also fair. Even if I have no idea what happened to that old rifle my Grandfather gave me when I was 14, I will be considered a criminal if I don't register it. I am being told that spending $15 billion to promote the French language in the rest of Canada is fair when the province of Quebec doesn't support or even recognize the ENGLISH language. I am being told that paying $1 million for 3 Stripes ('The Voice of Fire' painting in Ottawa) by the National Art Gallery was a good purchase, even though 99% of this country didn't want it or will ever see it. When I look at my pension and realize that I take home a third of what I actually make, I say 'Oh well, at least we have better health care than the U.S.A..' I must bail out big corporations who drive their business into the ground and say, 'yeah that's ok.' And When they move all their manufacturing plants and jobs to a third world country and say, 'no problem.' I must fork over my portion of the 11.5 million dollars to show the Queen of England and her family a good time visiting in my country even though I can't afford to visit the province next to me. Canada is the highest taxed nation in North America, the biggest Military buffer for the United States, and the number one destination for fleeing terrorists. The Lord's prayer is not allowed in our schools anymore because of other religions who chose to move here. I am an angry white person. I am one pissed off taxpayer, who is broke I am Canadian !!! My name is Ben Dover ... say it fast!!! :flagcanada::ass:
You know we could very easily insert the word American for Canadian and Spanish for French. Sounds like our side of the river.
Im not even from Canada and I would be pissed off, dont know French and never will. We have Ebonics and I cant talk like that either. Both of our countrys have real problems but all we can do is vote and hope it will change...
Yeah, but you know what's really scary? Think of the dumbest most out of touch person you know. Now realize that their vote counts the same as yours.
The $600000 sculpture that sits at the corner of Whitemud and Fox Drive in Edmonton .. I as a tax payer paid for this... WTF Who was the out of touch person that came up with this stupid idea? Did I vote for them? One thing for sure they have balls!!!
You mean it's not a utopia north of the boarder????? You would think about all the "observations" made from up there that it was. Now I know that it because you all have so much experience with the crap we have going on down here. Guess once again the grass only looks greener on the other side. Jamie
Did you read my mind, and don't forget lets spend 100's of millions holding election after election because the minority wants to bitch.
I should run for the next Prime Minister of Canada No Tax On Alcohol Marajuana Is Legal Casino's would be legal Swingers get a discount on everything based on age (21 years old 21% Discount - 65 Years Old 65% Discount Canada's Wonderland would be owned by Canadians Hwy 407 would be owned by Canadians Slow down Immagration and start taking care of our own Union's would be a thing of the past Minimum wage is $15 straight across the board Better health care and less waiting times What else needs to change in Canada, Im starting to sounds like a politician :clappyinghappy: