So, what have we all got then... I only work a four day week and has it happens my day off next week is Friday :lol: followed by Monday :lol: ( Xmas Eve ) the following week then Tues / Weds off for Chrimbo day and Boxing day. Managed to get Thursday :lol: off but have to work Friday.:evil: and then again New Years Eve :evil: but off New Years day :lol: ..... then back to the usual grind Just wondered what you workers across the pond got aswell...... Ian :lol: PS. Steve, I said ' workers across the pond '... no need to reply and rub sand down our cracks..... :lol: :lol:
our company closes. i work christmas eve then we are close from the 25th till jan 1 inclusive. back to work jan 2
We are off Christmas Eve and New Years Eve only because they are on Mondays. Otherwise we would only have the days of Christmas and New Years off.
after next friday I have 9 straight days off, counting weekends! 5 work days if you dont count the weekends. I have to work new years eve, but not much, then new years day off, then back to work. So basically just all week of Xmas and New Years day off............ but 9 days including weekends works for me!
I'm off weekends always....then Christmas eve, Christmas day and the day after Christmas and New Years Day....a lil min vaca.... :xmas :michaelf:
..thats right, I forgot, you dont get the 26th off.....big sporting day across here, horse racing football and rugby gallore. Ian :lol:
Big shopping day here. Other than Ontario, it's not a stat, but most provinces don't bother opening. Productivity is so low, it's not even worth turning the lights on. As of 3:45pm this afternoon, I'm out of the office until the 2nd. Or at least that's the plan... hoping for the best.