For some reason every woman I ask for sex laughs hysterically... maybe there is something in how I am asking?
Little Johnny was sitting in Beginning Sex Ed class one day when the teacher drew a picture of a penis on the board. "Does anyone know what this is?" She asked. Little Johnny raised his hand and said, "Sure, my daddy has two of them!" "Two of them?!" the teacher asked. "Yeah. He has a little one that he uses to pee with and a big one that he uses to brush mommys teeth!"
The big bad wolf tells little red riding hood to suck his d**k. She says... "Look f***er! Quit changing the story! You’re supposed to eat ME!"
Pinocchio talks to Gepetto: - Daddy my dick is all jagged and crooked so I have no success with girls. - You know, my son, I didn’t care too much about that detail, but that should not be a problem. Go to the shop, take a sandpaper and fix it. After some time, Gepetto asks Pinocchio: - Well, did you resolve the problem with the girls? - Daddy, since I got the sandpaper who needs the girls anymore. Q. Why did god create Adam before he created eve? A. Because he didn't want anyone telling him how to make Adam.
Potato Prostitute Two little potatoes are standing on the street corner. One is a prostitute... How can you tell which one is the prostitute? It's the one with the little sticker that says.... I -DA -HO :icon_wink:
Q - Why did Santa get put in jail? A - Because he laid the dolly under the Christmas tree. When I was six I overheard my older sister tell this joke to her friends and they all thought it was hilarious so at the dinner table that night I told my dad the same joke...he didn't think it was all that funny.:icon_lol: D