So, we have tried a couple times to find an Adult Themed Movie that we both will like but have struck out...either it is just scene after scene (which she doesnt like) or its the old 80's flicks with horrible plot lines /clothes/and lots-o-hair (which neither of us like)....SO, wanted to know if anybody had any suggestions for couple friendly flicks that aren't too over the top and are actually watchable (not just business)...trying to help her out here!! Jason
Our neighbors brought out a stack of theirs while we were downing mojitos over the weekend. There's were couples type sensual videos. Nothing hardcore I don't think (we didn't watch it) but they said they were lots of oral, sensual/sexual touching and massage, etc. Can't remember the names of the series though but will try and think to ask them next time we have drinks
there are flicks made to appeal to women. Try to find the ones that have a female director and/or producer. or Google Erotica for Women.