Just managed to get my hands on a Wii in time for Christmas.. As I'm not really a gamer and Chrimbo is just round the corner does anyone want to offer me anything for it.. The bidding starts at £450. Ian :lol: :lol: :lol:
Forgot to add, I'll throw in Tiger Woods PGA tour 08 and GT Pro Series in for another £50. Bargain or what...... :idea: :idea: :idea: Ian :lol: :lol:
I have one already, but its surprising that people are still in a craze over it.... Good Luck to whoever wins!!
Wins it...... :?: :?: Now there's an idea, what with the announcement today the shops wont have anymore in till after Xmas and the prices hitting nearly £1,000 on the black market in some area's of Britain I could hold a national raffle for it..... Ian :lol: :lol:
Sorry mate, your 20 years too late...... *** Drifts off to that crazy summer of 1987 and the hedonistic events experienced by a young, dum and full of c*m 16year old English lad youth hostelling around Scandinavia. *** :shock: :shock: :shock: Ian :lol: :lol: :lol:
OK. The sale has ended. I was hoping my sister who lurks on here for time to time would have logged on by now and realised i was trying to make a few quid by flogging the Wii she has bought for her son ( my nephew ) and entrusted me to hide in my house till chrimbo day. As I wont be able to keep my trap shut about my money making events when I see her tomorrow I shall draw the sale to a close sale now. Cant say I didnt try :lol: :lol: Ian :lol: :lol: