From what I've read here, the wifi is spotty. Is there an area of rooms I can request that will have a good signal? Our first time, so don't know. Would pay the daily fee if I know it will work. I'd hate to spend the whole week without reading this board. Need to rub it in to the unfortunate people that aren't there. Or maybe you can't request rooms anyway. Enlighten me please. Set aside a fair amount of time for that task.
Wifi rooms I have been in the first floor rooms around the quite pool and have had good service in all of them. They are all jacuzzi rooms now though.
We used internet twice. Once I got a uti and I am allergic to MANY drugs. The meds the MD gave me I had never heard of (and I am a RN so this was a concern it was a Mexican equivilant to a drug I am allergic to!) and I wasnt sure 100% he understood my allergies. So I made Mr. Angibaby get on the computers and google. Then I think he may have gotten on them to check into our airline. I just dont think if you are having as much fun as I bet you will be you will need it daily. They have like quicky access in the lobby for like 5 bucks (I think it was for like an hour). But maybe I am wrong. Now that I think about it he may have used the wifi to get some work done while I slept in. (work-a-holic!) But he left the room, dont remember where he went. Sorry.
We tried wifi in room 5533...which by the way was fantastic, great view of beach volleyball...thanks ladies! It was awful to say the least (the wifi that is). We had a bank card go astray off the resort and ended up using the lobby internet. By the way a note to Canadian visitors...expect a helluva time trying to get a hold of Canadian banks from Mexico, the 1-800 numbers don't work we discovered.
The last I knew 1800 numbers don't work in Cancun. But not sure if that has been updated or not. As far as internet service goes, The last I understood, it was like $15.00 a day to have it in your room unless you are a premier or rci member. Absolutely not worth it. And we are premier members. It is extremely slow and only works when ever. I always take my computer on any vacations and I would not pay the fee there.
The wifi works well on my I-phone when it finally hooks up, but it comes and goes. I assume it will be about the same for a laptop. We were in 3408 by the Sexy Pool. Works about the same down by the pool as it does in the room. Free for us, and I probably would not pay the $15/day just to get on the board. I usually take care of some business issues in the early morning when I am still sober, plus I am a sports junkie and have to follow my teams.
I'm debating dragging my laptop down because I have some unavoidable work that needs to be done. However, if there are computers in the lobby maybe not. $5/hour is reasonable. Are the computers readily available or is there typically a wait to get on one?
Not usually a wait at all. I have also went down to the internet cafe a block or two down the road. Very nice and really cheap, but they don't open until sometime after 9 am. I doubt if they want you drinking there, so maybe that is not so good of choice after all.
I brought mine last year and didn't even use it. $15.00 per day to connect to wifi just wasn't what I wanted to spend my money on. Some tips to the waiters/bartenders would be better.