I posted a thread early this morning about some troubles I'm having with alpharooms and it was closed with no explanation...what's up with that? I just need answers because I have a lot of money on hold on my credit card and can't get answers from them on why my flights have been cancelled. What gives!?!
Not Sure Why thread closed but we used Alpharooms twice now they are slow but do respond try through their facebook account. But I never could book flights through them before only if you live in the UK, It was only hotel only for USA and Canada. we book the flights seperately. Can Someone confirm this.
happened to see this on another thread - no idea why your thread would be closed but hopefully this helps http://www.cancuncare.com/forum/temptation-resort-cancun/31529-trouble-alpharooms.html#post694601
yes that was weird,,, Steve always give an explanation. I know there are otherf admin's, maybe it was an error ? Did you try the email in the post I inked ?
Yes,thanks Donald and everyone else who offered help. I send an email to alfie@alpharooms and also sent a message to the Facebook page as well. I'm still waiting on replies from both. I'll keep you all posted on the progress.
They do seem to come through,( they have in the past ), there is a time zone thing to take into account,, but a cancelled flight can be nerve racking. They have responded to these threads in the past hope it work s out Happened to me once with Orbitz, when I was going to Cabo ,, and they never told me.
I do understand the time difference, 7 hours, but my first email was sent on 12/2...still no response.
I'm not sure why your thread was deleted either. I had a lot of trouble with Alpharooms as well. I booked the flight and hotel through there. My issues concerned my credit card company: they kept declining the charges but Alpharooms didn't clearly state that that was what was going on. So I'd click "Submit" and the page would load + load + eventually time out. It never said "declined" so I'd keep submitting again + again. Finally I called the credit card company to see if they were getting the charges. Yep, they were + because Alpharooms is overseas, the charges were suspected as fraudulent. Also, another oddity: I paid the first half of my balance back in September + got trip confirmations, flight and hotel. When I paid the rest of the balance last month, I didn't even get a confirmation email. Weird. Hope your issues get sorted out.
Didn't read all the posts so if this was mentioned already, sorry. I have used alpha rooms many times with a couple of small issues. The easiest way to contact them is send a Private Message through their Facebook page. Don't blast them on their news feed. Always received a respose within a couple of days. Remember that they are 8-10 hours ahead if you live on the west coast F