Hi..newbies here. Very excited and looking forward to our first trip April 14th - 18th. I was just wondering what the ladies wear for white night. Thanks for your help! -Mandy
Any thing white, and they usually have glow sticks to compliment the white Welcome and see you their ,,,there that is April 12/19
Here’s April’s 2011 .pdf file for us April 2011 TTR Addicts. If you want to get on it, please e-mail me your: NAMES, CANCUNCARE SCREEN NAMES, DATES YOU’LL BE THERE (IF YOU’RE THERE IN MOSTLY APRIL) & A PICTURE (Hi Res if you can),OF YOU ALONG WITH YOUR E-MAIL ADDRESS TO ME— vetter79@rochester.rr.com Woody 315-986-7450 As the list updates, I will forward it to everyone on the list that I have addresses for. Hopefully this worked out for most when we did it this year so let’s see if we can do it again! Woody & Sue (We’ve booked for April 12th – 21st 2011) Also, be sure to check out our post on the April 16th Boobs Cruise~~
Thanks for your help I didn't know about the glow sticks, ill have to pick some up. We are soo excited!
sorry to correct you but White night is a resort function its actually called martini white night and only if someone on the board, like us has organized the glow stick with the white night will there be any people wearing glow sticks.. but you were close.. hahah!!
Heyyy you guys.. I am as meek and mild as they come.. hahaha!! I just dont want the newbies to have wrong information..