We've been told 7-days is the maximum amount of days you can stay at TTR while on a referral. Is this specific to each members contract? Can someone enlighten us? see you in April, 2016:flash: M&D
Our first stay was 9 nights under a friends referral...Never heard of a minimum stay I know I have had people use our Referrals and stay past the 7 nights you speak of.
Thank u all for your replies. We were trying to do 9 nights on referral but didn't think we could get a straight answer from the hotel.
I have done 8, fiends have done 9. I don't think you will have a problem with a max. However, I believe a minimum 5 night is enforced.
I had someone get in on a referral rate for 2 nights in November. The hotel was completely booked for the rest of the time so that could've been part of it.
I think it's up to the members contract if I remember correctly, as you get so many days to share with others, the intention being to show them the privileges of being a member. As they'll be more inclined after seeing what the upgrades are. So if for instance I had 50 days to share than if I wanted to gift you whatever up to the 50 days don't see the hotel having a problem with it, as they told me, if I wanted to use up all my days in one long stretch I could do that. That's what I was told when we bought in.