Since a night at the clubs with the staff runs around $40 or $50 a person, I think... I was wondering which clubs everyone thought was worth it. It has been a few years since I have been to Cancun...and I have only been twice...both times I went to Coco Bongo (which was amazing) but I am wondering if any of the other clubs rival it or if we should just save our money. (I went to SeƱor Frogs once seemed like a fun place but the smell and the sticky floors were too gross to overcome....that was quite a few years it better?) The reviews on this site make them all sound great but I would like to hear from some who have been recently. EDIT - SORRY EVERYONE...I JUST DISCOVERED THERE IS A CANCUN INFO FORUM THAT I SHOULD HAVE POSTED THIS ON - I GUESS I AM SO EXCITED ABOUT GOING TO TTR THAT I NEGLECTED TO EXPLORE ANYWHERE ELSE IN THE FORUMS