We are just curious, due to the reputation and style of resort that TTR is, plus the differing jobs that we all do, do you all admit to visiting TTR or tell people that they're visiting a more mainstream resort?
LOL we tell everyone where we go! It freaks out one of our son's But we have the most fun on our trips why should we hide it!
Told the children as its advertised though a mainstream travel agent in the uk. They just think we are bonkers!
This definitely needs a limerick There's a place in Cancun called Temptations it's where you go for your naughty vacations but you don't tell your friends where you've been when it ends and you certainly don't tell your relations. Hehehehehehe shhhhh its a secret
To avoid any potential issues with family/ friends over our TTR trips...I just tell them we are going to HEDO Sorry couldn't resist... Seriously though we just say the truth about where we are going when asked (and that does include HEDO as well) if Cancun (or Negril) is not a sufficient enough answer. Unlike some we are lucky that our jobs are not affected by our vaca choices
Were going to Cancun to TTR if they want to check it out and ask questions that's up to them . Its not like were going to a naked free for all gang bang ....
What no naked free for all gangbang, must dash down the travel agents and put in a claim that's exactly how it was sold to us LOL!!!