So on some of my walks I have noticed Swastikas spray painted on walls. One being a block away from me. Can someone please explain to me the reason/story/history behind this? I did try to do some research online, and it's all pretty vague. And I read on a Blog out of DF, the poster came across alot of Mazi Memorabilia at a Market. This is all so very weird to me, but I am interested to hear about it.
MOTIVES Don't know the motives of the "artist" in question, but the swastika is an ancient religious symbol, often seen in Chinese Temples of various types. It was co-opted by the Nazis, who seemed to like it, also. Did you happen to notice anybody kneeling around there, while holding before them, between their two uplifted palms, a bundle of incense? Read 'em both. Unfortunately, I have real doubts about the swastikas you've seen being anything other than symbols of hatred, although today's crop of skinhead morons probably have little understanding of the symbolism in either its 20th Century nor ancient iterations.
Tori, I think we live in the same area and I have noticed these as well. There is even one red painted over, kind of like a no smoking sign. I wondered as well at first. I just think the morons that are doing this have no idea what it truly means. They probably have an idea that it could be “something bad” but other than that are too stupid to really know. As frustrating as it is to see, I wouldn’t really look to deep into it.
In looking up Nazi-ism in Mexico I came up with things way beyond religion. And with Mexiles' blog about seeing Hitler dolls in Mexico City, I am thinking there is more to the story. These are some things I found disturbing and confusing....}pns.html
Great website (NOT) :evil: Run by a bunch of Nationalists based in Argentina and redirected through a web host in Munich for a registrant in Berlin. I can just hear Dr. Szell (Laurence Olivier) asking Babe (Dustin Hoffman), "Is it safe?"