Hey TR looks like a lot of fun and we are contemplating staying at this resort, however we a few concerns about the age demo. Would love an honest answer on what the age demographic is at TR?? Maybe even percentages of each age groups would be very helpful. Thanks!
Hmm, can depend on the time of year but I'll have a guess at it: twenties 15% thirties 25% forties 25% fifties 20% sixties and up 15%
I will add that to me it seems like the demographics on CCC are slightly older than what you find on site at the resort.
I do not think age is a big deal at all there. For the past few years, the couple who has the most fun is usually Henry & Janet.. And he is the Mayor of Temptations
Yep, I'd agree with that. Younger people are not so interested in researching their trip thoroughly and, sadly, many rarely leave Facebook Our (recently closed) Spring Break forum used to be huge years ago. Now all the old regulars grew up got jobs and married, and no new people were coming through.
age is only a number when you are at Temptations.. If worried about it, maybe its not a place for you
We started going at age 29 (we are 32 now) We were on the younger end of the spectrum but learned real quick that everyone acts like they are 18 at their first frat party anyway so age doesn't really matter. That said if you are in your early 20s, be advised that you will be in the minority. If you are cool with that, you will have a blast no doubt. If you are looking to hang with peers, TTR is probably not for you.