We are getting close to our 3rd trip to Temptation, and we are trying the last week of April this time around (we tried the third and second weeks on 2013 and 2014). We got to say we love the atmosphere at TTR in April. However talking to some friends they totally swear that May is even better. With May being already at the beginning of the rainy season and the weather being hotter, we've never been interested in trying it out (April is already too hot!). But if the party is better in May we might suck it up and give it a try next year. We would be interested to hear from those that visited TTR multiple times during these two months. I know there is loyalty in both groups but let's keep it civilized shall we
I've done April (all parts) and early May. Late April has a lot of people I can now call good friends and are a blast. Early May however is when I'm going this time and will also have a whole boatload of fun people to hang around with. Either way you can't go wrong. The weather is slightly hotter in early May but still awesome!
Is May really hot and rainy? I normally go in Sept, and it is way hot, and could be rainy. Luckily the last two trips it never rained, but was hot. We booked this May thinking it was less hot and the rain gamble is much less ofa factor. (I am sorry I can't answer your question, and asked me own)
I guess it's depending on the crew. For us Always been April second week !! =) I don't see how I can travel in may since summer is almost there.. And by end of the winter me and ben are really beat up and we need to take some time off !
We've done January, April and October. It's rained in Jan. and Oct. but never in April, I'd imagine May to be as good Every time we've gone it's the people and not the weather we remember.
We are sort of crossovers too this time around. We'll get to taste May for the first 2 days We can tolerate the heat during the day but until they improve the ventilation in Patyo's, that place is like a freaking giant sauna! It's unbearably hot in April, I can only imagine how bad it would be in May... Yikes!
In September they set up several fans in Paty O's. I imagine as the weather stays hot they will do so again this year. Besides it encourages "cool clothing choices" which I admit I do like!
Well Cancun has a weird weather pattern. It does not match the normal wet/dry season schedule as most locations in the Tropical Area. But compared to April the precipitation average and the chances of rainy days more than double. As for temperatures, the averages are normally only 1 degree hotter however the humidity increases, which makes it feel hotter. September it's the worst month of the year anywhere in the Tropics you go, it pisses rain everywhere, so yeah you are way safer in May Here are some weather averages about Cancun: