This is a question for the majority of the women who visit TTR. What do you think of the woman who shows up at the night club (sorry, I don't know the name) VERYscantily clad. I want to wear some of my "naughty" clothes but don't want to advertise something that's not. I'm not a prude, I like to have flirty, touchy, feely fun. I work hard on keeping my body in good shape and want to show it odd a bit. Will I project the wrong image? This is coming from the Michelle part of this couple
Well, if you can't wear your naughty clothes at TTR, where the heck CAN you where them! Let 'er rip I say, especially since you have a husband to make sure you don't attract the wrong kind of attention. As a single woman, I don't push the envelope too much simply because the single guys can be a pain even if you're covered up. Have fun!
Be what you want to be and make your man proud. Stick to the motto "No one knows you and no one gives a shit" TTR is the place to let your inibitions go.
From a guy's perspective I can say I enjoy when women dress for showing off. Cause we really do notice women that work hard on their bodies and really appreciate the effort! I will also say that the touchy, feely, flirty part is the harder part... We try to be respectful and not cross boundaries that shouldn't be crossed so we might seem a little standoff-ish just so we don't offend. So if you find that the case, just let us know and we can adapt. Jamie
Our first trip I wore what I thought was a little too revealing to wear in the states....... then you get there and see that that is a little "covered up" lol.... Wear whatever you want!! You will see it all when you get there and part of the fun is seeing what everyone wears!!
I would say that I am generally very modest. I am a college professor (and a young one) so my husband and I agree that I have to be careful what I wear to work. Also, I come from a conservative religous background, so it's in my nature to be conservative and a prude as you called it Mexico - I bring my "vacation Jill" as we call it (other nicknames as well). She doesn't know modesty :flash:. All that to say, bring your vacation persona and have fun! I would say if you are not looking for an extra roomate for the night, then be cautious with the touchy part - or at least be clear with your desires/expecations. If you just want to have fun - just say that. I don't think it's fair to lead anyone on (not saying that you do, I have just seen it). Jeff & I are very clear with our boundaries, specifically when sober, so that when people see us let loose later on, they know what to expect. :wink3: Have fun wearing your skimpy clothes! I love to see women let go down there!! I think we are somewhat 'stuffy' in the U.S.! ~Jill~
We just got her dresses that we ordered and they are extremely sexy and cant wait to see her wearing them! I am pretty sure I am going to need to tape down my junk because she gave me a fashion show and its like I am walking around with Perma Wood now lol! I am not sure what TTR's policy is on guys walking around with Chubbies all the time lol. Looking forward to meeting everyone the April 5th - 9th.! Peace Out and Party On!