We will be there all of next week. The forecast shows: Sunday: Showers Monday: Showers Tuesday: Scattered Showers Wed-Fri: (No forecast yet) We were planning a week consisting of hanging out at the pool and hanging out at the pool, with occasional bursts of hanging out at the pool. So it looks like we need to come up with some alternatives. We've never been there before, so we don't know what y'all do for fun when it rains. Suggestions?
first of all, dont worry about the weather forecasts, as they always say that, secondly if it showers, hang out at the pool, had some great days in the pool with it raining
Ok....here's one thing you need to look at...90 % of the forecasts are wrong for cancun, and then there's always the reading like this... If it says that there's 90 % chance of showers read it like this....There's 90 % chance of showers somewhere in cancun....doesn't mean it'll be at TTR !! Also when it does rain..usuallt not for long as it's kinda windy which blows the clouds by quite fast. So don't let the forecast bum you out !! I'll give you the perfect example...last year while in Cancun at TTR we came back in for our afternoon snap after sunbathing in hot 90 degree weather not a cloud in the sky....Turn on the tv for the weather...not channel 12... (that came on after the weather) And the weather said it was raining in Cancun !!! I look outside just to make sure i wasn't in a time warp.....FULL SUN !! I LOOKED AT THE WIFE AND SAID...GOTTA LOVE TTR WHEN IT RAINS !!!! So don't trust the weather guys !!
Last year we had one day at the resort where it rained hard, with some driving winds. It would have made for a miserable pool day. The outdoor pools and bars were closed down. So, the entertainment staff made the best of it, and opened up the Nice Shoes bar and Sports Bar to do some stupid games. I took a "dirty spanish" class, which was fun. It ended up just being a day to hang out and relax, kind of a halftime break from all of the craziness. We ended up going shopping for a few hours downtown. That night, it continued to drizzle, and it was kinda chilly, but the Paty'O bar was still at full capacity. A crappy day at TTR was still a great place to be. I wouldn't worry much about the weather.
FIND US!!!!! We are ready to party no matter what the weather- as long as its not snowing we are all good!!!!!! : ) See you soon!
It rained the first 3 days we were there in June. :umbrella1: We still hung out @ the sexy pool, drinking, dancing and playing in all the games! I won Iron Woman in a downpour :headbanger: Thank goodness we had a waterproof camera.
LOL--I was there for that, Tim&Kendra! We were there for three full days of rain in June--and I mean unrelenting, pelting rain. It went like this: Day 1: took the public bus to town Stopped for gorditas at a streetside cafe (probably wasn't a good idea!) Thought wandering in the rain was cool until we realized we had no idea where to catch a return bus. Stopped for a drink in an empty bar to watch the rain. Slowly came to the realization it was a gay bar....Chased down passing bus and made it back to TTR where they'd moved the party to Nice Shoes. Day 2: Braved the rain and watched Kendra rock the Ironwoman. Drank at the sexy pool bar. Spent quality time with channel 12. More Nice Shoes, and even Paty'O's despite the rain. Day 3: Got grumpy. Stood at pool bar for 6 hours. Great people, fun conversations, but nerves were fraying. Noticed channel 12 repeats shows...
Channel 12? Really? OMG!!! Porno can be like being on a diet, but stopping at the donut shop anyhow just to stare and drool.