What are some things that you guys are doing...

Discussion in 'Free For All' started by NormsKid, Jun 1, 2008.

  1. NormsKid

    NormsKid Guest

    +0 / 0
    to save money and cut back on the amount of gas/petrol that you need?

    And....do you have a "breaking point?" A point in which you will simply refuse to drive a car on a regular basis? Where do you draw the line and say "enough is enough?"

    Or....do you plan to do nothing and continue to pay regardless of the price of gas/petrol?

    For some reason, this topic has been a heated/raging debate at my local hooters for about a week now.....just wondering how each of you thought on these issues.

  2. LadyLegs

    LadyLegs Guru Registered Member

    Apr 12, 2007
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    I commute 40 miles roundtrip M-F and was filling up 2-3 times per week and it was killing me so I downgraded from a V6 engine to a 4 cylinder car. Now I only fill up once a week and I love it!

    Unfortunately my schedule doesn't allow me the flexibility to say I will just stop driving if the prices get any higher so I will just have to make the necessary adjustments.

    Currently in Vallejo regular unleaded is $4.31/gal
  3. NormsKid

    NormsKid Guest

    +0 / 0
    I guess that I should ask....if it's NOT too personal, "Would you consider moving closer to work as an option?" Or would that not produce any deeper savings due to other things that you or your family must do?

    This was something that was bantered about at Hooters. One of the regulars insisted that EVERYONE could move closer to work if they wanted to and save money. I didn't think that was an option for ALL people. For example, if you are a farmer and your land is fixed in one place, you can't pick your business up and move it....., no matter what else you do, you still gotta pay the price to have gas in your tracktors,etc... that ain't cheap! Same for folks who fish for a living...you can't just pick up and move to save money. One way or another your boat needs gas in order for you to work at all. And the lake won't move to where the gas is cheaper.

  4. LadyLegs

    LadyLegs Guru Registered Member

    Apr 12, 2007
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    Moving closer to work would be nice but the homes closer to Oakland are much more expensive and not as nice.

    Did I mention I also pay $4 toll everyday to get home? :roll:
  5. NormsKid

    NormsKid Guest

    +0 / 0
    Ouch! $4 in tolls, per day....Yikes!

  6. janie

    janie Guest

    +0 / 0
    I 'm lucky, I live 2.66 miles from my job. I wish I could walk to work.

    If I took the bus it would take me forever to get there, and I would need to take 2 busses, so that is not an option.

    We're trying to stay closer to home for shopping or dining out, and I'm trying to get hubby
    to consolidate errands into one trip a day, instead of 5 trips!
  7. NormsKid

    NormsKid Guest

    +0 / 0
    I'm about a 15-20 minute walk to work, but so far it's been too darn cold to walk. I have ridden my bike quite a bit though.

    It's about a 7 minute bike ride as long as I don't bike on the same streets that I drive. Fewer cars mean that I can go faster. So I avoid the main streets that move fast for vehicles and bike a parallel street, one or two over from the main street.

    Public transportation seems to be getting more riders here. I no longer take public transportation around 9am or 5pm...it's just too dam crowded. I alter my hours to avoid the rush hours whenever I take public transportation.

    As for a limit, so to speak......If things get much worse than they are now, I'll do just like many other chicagoan's do and bike it year round. It's bad enough now in that I can't even fill up the tank in the truck cause the pumps shut off after $75, no matter how many gallons you pumped. On the REALLY bad days, I'll cab it since they haven't gotten the ok to increase fares more than $1.00....can't imagine how those guys make a buck at all.

    As far as trips in the car go....I've been driving more to see if some of those driving styles actually do increase gas milage. I figure it's better to find out now, while gas is lower than to have to practice at $10 a gallon!

  8. Franco27

    Franco27 Guest

    +0 / 0
    certainly feeling it this side of the pond but for me personally there is little i can do about it :(

    am trying to use my car as little as possible, i only do about 4 miles a day to the train station and back so i only fill up maybe 2 times a month ... which still comes to over £100 ... i've started working at home once or twice a week too, which over time will save money on the train fare ... also taking lunch in to work instead of buying it up here and being a bit more sensible about the food i buy, the old monthly entertainment budget has taken a beating and only trying to go out on the lash 2 times a month instead of 4!

    unfortunately moving closer to work is not really a viable option as the rental prices in the area are unjustifiably high, even though i'd be saving a huge amount in monthly train fares! would be great if could start work at 10 instead of 9, missing the peak time travel!

    On top of this our esteemed leader Gordon Clown is adament to impose an extra 2pence in fuel duty in the next couple of months (on top of inflationary rises!), then raise the vehicle excise tax to penalise cars pre 2001 which have high emissions, therefore people who cannot afford a newer more efficient car are going to get royally screwed and see the cost of legally keeping a car on the road double overnight!!

    grrr could write an essay on this :!:
  9. Waste

    Waste Moderator Registered Member

    Apr 29, 2003
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    Georgetown, Ontario
    +0 / 0
    When my company cancels my gas card :D
  10. Ian

    Ian Guest

    +0 / 0
    I have had to take a second job as a stripper and am open to bookings both here and in the states.

    Ian. :lol:

    PS. I dont do " extra's "
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