Well tonight I am driving back to my hometown to go to this indoor/outdoor tiki bar callsed spikes. Huge outdoor sand volleyball court attatched to it, very tropical feel to the place. Meeting up with some old high school friends, so it should be fun. Tomorrow, having LOADS of girls over to drink all day and night, drunk dials to ensue! What about you all? PS.......... just got my new pocket PC phone, comes with a video recorder on it, expect videos to be uploaded to youtube shortly, hahahahaha my phone: http://www.verizonwireless.com/b2c/...t&action=viewPhoneDetail&selectedPhoneId=2200
i got drunk last night and came to work at 9:30am. tonight, first dinner with a friend, then spiderman3, then go out with a date.. finally going to dance..i miss dancing..
finishing up the last of my 2 journal article critiques for my marketing research class, then ill be done with the class, one final left on tuesday!! tonite going over my uncles, his wife is having a jack and jill tastefully simple demonstration, so me him and the rest of the husbands shall drink wine and grappa! tommorow cutting the grass with my awesome new lawnmower, tommorow nite undecided, sunday sopranos!
going home todayyy wooo and stopping at grove city on our way back!! lunch w/ my mum and grandma tomorrow wooo
I have a date for each night this weekend with not one, but two beautiful young women. Gonna eat out maybe twice, but the party continues at my house with some hot three-some action in my bathtub :wink: