I heard something about a hurricane in mexico. does anyone know the weather right now?? we leave tomorrow and starting to get a little worried
Hurricane?! Not here We did have a few days of heavy rain on Sat and Sun (our first real rain since February) but it's hot and sunny now as usual. Check out the Cancun Webcam
I thought I heard about one on the Pacific side and here's the info I found..... Eastern Pacific Tropical Weather Outlook
Yes, it's in the Pacific off the coast of Mexico and heading north west... shouldn't even bother Cabo...
I've been keeping half an eye on the weather there and it seems that every day says "scattered thunderstorms..." both in the last week and for the next 10 days. How has it really been? Are these just passing 15 minute showers followed by sunshine? Weather.com makes it sound bad...
The online forecasts always say that, especially at this time of year. If they were true we'd have 250 days of rain a year. As mentioned, we had some heavy rain last Saturday and Sunday, but since then not a single drop of rain. If there were any scattered thunderstorms they were so scattered I didn't see or hear them. This morning is looking bright and sunny again (only 8:15am here, so still quite early). In fact just the perfect weather for today's booze cruise. Don't forget you can always get a great idea of what the weather is like right now by checking out the Cancun Webcam which updates constantly.