I haven't heard this for eons! I feel very philosophical now. And I will NEVER burn like that - OUCH! Sunscreen is my friend, and I make Blanco put some on his lovely pate whenever the sun is out, even at home. No skin cancer in this family thank you very much. :daisy:
Burnt like lobster. Had to wear my shirt for last 3 days even in the pool. Next time i think i will get a base tan at a tanning salon before going.
Last year, it was my first time with my boobs in the sun...they burnt and swelled up....pretty painful...this time I'm doubling up on sunblock
Oh goodness, burning the girls would be extreme pain - ouch!! I always tan at least a month prior to Mexico - and lather on the sunscreen while there. Thus far, it has worked out well - no sunburns experienced here!! :xyxthumbs: