Here already and been to Walmart. Heard someone mention something that sounded like like a select as an alternative to Walmart but in the other direction. Anyone she'd any light on this place please?
There is a great 3 story supermarket( don't remember the name but says "Supermarket"on the side) near the Riu at the corner of the "7"near the almost air-conditioned Mall. It compared its prices to Walmart and was much cheaper. We rode the Bus for a dollar apiece each way. The wife stocked up. Nice guys shirts for White Night, Swim suits, Meds, Alcohol, etc. I would suggest a morning trip and not a 2pm trip like we did. Gets a little warm off the beach.
I think this is the new Chedarui Selecto at Km 7 (Plaza Caracol), have never been there myself but it's maybe the same distance but in the opposite direction to Walmart. I'd have thought prices will be higher due to the HZ location as everywhere, but like I say I haven't been there.