Vote for Who YOU think should get CC's Votes..............

Discussion in 'Cancun Forum' started by EngineerGuy, Dec 1, 2006.


Who Do you want to win...........

  1. Greta

  2. John

    0 vote(s)
  3. Fletch

    0 vote(s)
  4. Kait

    0 vote(s)
  1. EngineerGuy

    EngineerGuy I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Apr 15, 2004
    Likes Received:
    +2 / 0
    Here is a paragraph from each CCer entered in the Pimp my Spring Break contest. There are only 2 weeks left, so we will finish this up sunday, the top 2 people will split the last 2 weeks of voting and CC peeps will vote on them and them only, to increase their chances of sending another CCer to victory!!

    I think I should be able to enter this contest, because it looks like the only way I may have a chance to go. When you have most the money saved up to go, and something unexpected comes up, you have to start back from scratch if you can, but I can't. $5.15 an hour doesn't go very far.

    It will be my 30th Birthday this spring break, and I was looking really forward to going.. I don't want to knock any of the others from going though. They deserved it too. You don't have to vote for me if you don't want to, but I really, really, really would appreciate it. Working 60+ hours a week, and having to give all my off days to my Mom, I never get a break, and Cancun is my only Sane opportunity of the year just for me.


    Why I should win?

    I feel I should win because my days are limited on how many more Spring Breaks I can attend and not feel like the old guy. I was in Cancun 2 years ago for spring break and I didn't get to experience the Cancun Spring Break to it's fullest. If I don't win a trip I will not be able to go as the funds will not be there for me. I recently had a life changing event that is going to cost me thousands of dollars. I'm a nice guy and a people person who gets along w/ just about everyone. And I do know how to PARTY I would love the opportunity to go down to Cancun and represent the CC. I will come back w/ pictures/videos and stories for all. I've had a rough year between loosing my job of 3 years moving and starting all over. So please CancunCare help me to PIMP MY SPRING BREAK!

    Also if I win this I promise to make a VICTIM of JNASTY and get photographic proof which will be included in my detailed trip report.

    Thanks in advance for your consideration and support.

    Okay, not to say that I deserve it the most, but I have definantly been through the most in the past year and need this break more than anything. In January, a week before my 21st birthday, my Grandfather passed away at the age of 73....Shortly after that is when I broke my ankle and was forced to hobble around my entire campus on fun either.....I was supposed to go to Cancun, but since I was promised a job close to my school and then when I got up there they didnt have an opening anymore, I had no means of funding to get there.....but all my friends went and said it was the best time ever..... Midway through the semester, 2 of my friends(one of which I knew since I was in kindergarden) were killed in an automobile accident....thats 3 funerals in about 5 months. Everything was going halfway decent until me and Alyssa started getting into alot of fights and both became miserable. We broke up for a while and then decided to get back together. That leads us to October 13, yes Friday the 13th, when I was diagnosed with a parirectal abscess and was forced to undergo emergency surgery, and if not, it would potentially end my life. So, a week in the hospital, and 3 weeks home, with a nurse coming to my house everyday to change padding on my butt (mind you the wound was still open because it was an infection and they could not stitch/staple it).....I have not been the same since, and had to drop 4 out of my 6 classes this semester, may not be allowed to live on campus next semester....and have been a big emotional wreck.....This is why I think I need a little bit of Fletch time down in Cancun

    So, you all know me and Brit are in college, like Fletchy poo, and obviously we don't have a lot of money. So, without winning a Spring Break, I don't see any way we could go. (Brit's dad doesn't want her to have a job during the school year so she can focus on her schoolwork, and you will see more of the money issues later...) As much as I want this trip for myself, Brit NEEDS this trip. I know you all don't know Brit, so you may not even consider us, but trust me, if you knew her, you would love her. She does not spend one moment thinking about herself and she really needs a week to get away from everything and have fun. Her mom has been really sick since about August and keeps passing out and having seizures. No doctor can figure out what is wrong with her, and she has had to see many specialists, which is basically consuming all of the family's money. Her mom is like a mother to me, and it's pretty hard on the both of us. Brit pretty much goes home every weekend to stay by her mom and help her walk around the house, so she really hasn't had the chance to even enjoy our new townhouse. Next comes the issue of her boyfriend... he is a recovering drug addict and well he slips up occasionally. She loves him (and he's a good friend of mine and genuinely a good guy... just has some issues..) and it's really hard on her. She spends pretty much all her time taking care of her mom and boyfriend. I just want this trip so bad for her because I see what she deals with everyday. She is my best friend and I love her to death. I'm not trying to get you all to feel bad for us, thats not what we want at all. All I am trying to do is make you realize how much Brittany truely needs this trip to spend some time on herself and be treated like the amazing person she is. Please PIMP our spring break Thanks guys, we really appreciate it.
  2. ACBUD420

    ACBUD420 Guest

    +0 / 0
    great stories guys...

  3. whdream

    whdream Guest

    +0 / 0
    Woo hoo I know who I voted for :cool:
  4. R.I. GAL

    R.I. GAL Guest

    +0 / 0
    I wish we could send you all :!: :!: Heck I wish we could send me :!: :!:

    Good Luck to everyone :!: :!: :!:
  5. Klaw

    Klaw Guest

    +0 / 0
    Good luck to you was tough to vote for just one.
  6. Tbonita

    Tbonita Guest

    +0 / 0
    Good Luck to you all !!

    I haven't decided yet who to vote for. It's a hard decision.
  7. EngineerGuy

    EngineerGuy I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Apr 15, 2004
    Likes Received:
    +2 / 0
    Im guessing it will be a fairly close race, so good luck to you all!
  8. Klaw

    Klaw Guest

    +0 / 0
    I'm thinking that too, Jason.

    How long do people have to vote? When does the next weeks contest start? Monday isn't it?
  9. Ant95

    Ant95 Guest

    +0 / 0
    i dont understand y cant we just vote for all 4, i mean ure allowed one vote per day and ure allowed to vote for more than one person, so what is the difference if u vote for one or all 4, im confused
  10. Currrrvy-on-crack

    Currrrvy-on-crack Guest

    +0 / 0
    Hmm, after reading these 3 paragraphs, I think they should all get to go! (seriously)
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