I'm in a competition at the moment (not half as exciting as Miss Temptation I'm afraid) but if you could help me out that would be great. I have to send traffic to the following link: Download Thousands Of Dollars Worth of Internet Marketing Training :: Welcome! Each unique person I send I get 1 raffle ticket towards some prizes I'd like to win. The site is about Internet Marketing and is probably not of much interest to many, but just clicking the link above will still win me a raffle ticket However, if you are interested in perhaps starting out in Internet Marketing you may wish to make an account and get access to some free how to guides, tools and software. If you make an account and log in then I get extra credits, but please dont feel obligated if you're not interested in the content. The link again: Download Thousands Of Dollars Worth of Internet Marketing Training :: Welcome! Thanks!
Thanks everyone! Although it isn't most votes win, it's one raffle ticket per point and I currently have the most tickets Here's the leaderboard: Massive Giveaway Contest Leaders | Massive Guru Event and here's the link to click once again: http://massiveguruevent.com/blog/c/steveincancun I'm not sure if its one vote per person or one vote per day, but keep it going please