Hi Everyone! Voting just opened for July's Miss Temptation Contest. http://misstemptation.originalresorts.com/contestants.asp Please support Alisa in this as she really represents the Resort and spirit of this competition well. She is- in my opinion- Hot, fun, friendly,sexy, and always has a great time meeting new people regardless of age, size, race, whatever. We are long time members and frequent (mostly seasonal) posters. Please show your support for Alisa! http://misstemptation.originalresorts.com/contestants.asp Thanks!
Voted!!!!!! GO ALISA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hot Mess Express has to represent in January!!!!!!
Voted for your wife...since you guys seem to sort of enjoy Cancun.....jk...she's the best looking of the bunch I saw on the contest page and the million pictures of your trip did not hurt the vote either... FYI for all....the contest may or may NOT be rigged....if people create random emails to be able to vote AND use the same exact computer, well it does not take a genious to see that the votes are from the same exact IP address, more than say 2 votes form the same IP address, you too would consider fraudelent, don't you think? So either be smart or get all of your family, FB friends, Cancun friends etc to vote from their own home connection.