Will my Verizon iPhone work down there? Data and voice? Have not stopped at the Verizon store to ask the question yet, but real world is better then the canned answere I will get from them.
it will work.....turned mine on one time to check time....it is a droid....gps automatically started updating and i received about 25 texts....never sent any back....ended up costing me $25....
i made a mistake by not "turning off" my phone + data while i was on the plane.....whole time, my android widgets were updating (ie facebook, weather, sports, etc...) on the main screen and ended up paying over $50 of data and roaming for 2hrs it was in cancun
I looked into that today, actually. I added the global package on and will get international roaming installed for about $15 per month (we have two lines on our plan). If you call a couple days before you leave, they will pro-rate it for the month when they set it up, and you can have it turned off when you get back. It's much cheaper that way, as they will charge $0.99 per minute for calls and about $0.55 per text. You can also set it up online, but I felt better talking to a human. =)
I called home from my balcony without any problems with Verizon, do make sure to contact them before you go or it will cost you more money.
I checked with my verizon store about a week back. I was told that you could add unlimiting texting to and from mexico for $30.00 a month. They told me i could cancel after that first month. This did not include any data usage or minutes. I have not set this up yet so i can not confirm.
Or just have people e-mail you and get on resort's computers to read it -$5.00 = 30 min. Not taking mine this time -if there's an emergency they can call the hotel! A bud last year used his cell the whole time he was there and got a surprise $2000.00 bill when he got back! Think it was Verizon also!
lol glad I read this before going seeing I have Verizon as well. I'm bringing my laptop though so wasnt planning on using the phone much at all. However, I use it as my MP3 player so it's definitely coming with me just going to keep it on airplane mode the whole week I guess.
I called Verizon today & was told they aren't International so you actually use another network and they emailed me the following. Said basically turn off the data roaming or $5.12 per MB usage and many apps on smart phones update without you realizing and run up huge charges. Leslie at Verizon said they do offer a roaming data plan of 75MB for $30 but if you go over $5.12 MB or a plan of 200MB for $100. Vacation guess just turn it off and enjoy all the time while there without bother! lol They text me to turn off the data roaming before leaving my home airport FREE VZW MSG-DO NOT REPLY:Menu> tap Settings> Wireless & Networks> Mobile Network uncheck the box Welcome to Global & International Services Whether you are calling someone internationally or traveling globally, Verizon Wireless offers a suite of services to meet your needs. During your conversation with Verizon Wireless you asked us to email the following Global/International information to you. My Verizon Support International Services Global Rates Country Standard Rate per min $4.99 Global Value Rate per min Rate per Message (Send) Rate per Message (Receive) Picture/Video Pay Per Use Rate (KB) Global Data Options Mexico $0.99 N/A $0.50 $0.05 Y $0.005/KB($5.12/MB) Features Available Please see VZW International Services – Outside the U.S. for our full suite of Global Services. Global per minute rates apply when checking Voicemail while traveling Please dial *228, select option 2 before leaving a Verizon Wireless digital service area. This will ensure you have the most up to date roaming coverage If you do not have a data plan or feature, you will be charged at the Pay Per Use Rate. We recommend using global data with caution. Usage can add up quickly. To avoid accidental data usage charges: Ensure your device is powered off when you are not using it or that you have ended your data session Disable widgets and apps that may continually communicate with the network For BlackBerry/Smartphones, Droids, etc., disable the data while roaming option in your phone settings if you do not plan on using data When sending messages, you will be charged per recipient, per message. Please check the list of countries and carriers where text and picture/video functionality is available. Some countries may be served by CDMA voice only, but have GSM Voice and Data. In some areas, you may need to manually select the GSM network to send/receive data. Prior to travel, check your user manual for instructions on how to do a manual network selection. Global Data Pricing options with bundle allowances may be available. (Select your destination country for information.) When you send or receive Picture/Video messages while roaming, additional data charges will apply. Picture/Video messages sent to/from Canada, Mexico and Puerto Rico are charged at the domestic rate Dialing Instructions - The dialing instructions for your countries can be found below. Country Code Dial Network Dialing From Dialing To Instruction 52 CDMA Mexico U.S. Dial 00 then 1 then ten digit U.S. number 52 CDMA Mexico Local - Landline Dial 7 digit local number 52 CDMA Mexico Local - Mobile Dial 044 then area code then mobile number 52 CDMA Mexico Long Distance - Mexico Landline Dial 01 then area code then number 52 CDMA Mexico Long Distance - Mexico Mobile Dial 045 then area code then number 52 CDMA Mexico Other Countries Dial 00 then Country Code then international number 52 CDMA Mexico Customer Service Dial 001 then 908-559-4899 Your device may have an International Dial key that automatically inserts the exit code for outbound calls. Please refer to your Quick Reference Guide for specific instructions. To check your Voice Mail, use the "From the Country to the US" instructions and call your mobile number. Press # to interrupt the greeting and enter your password when prompted. Global Support Team is available 24/7. Please see VZW International Services – Outside the U.S. for additional countries. Did you know Verizon Wireless offers voice service in over 220 countries and data service in more than 200 countries, over 125 with 3G speed worldwide? Verizon Wireless would like to take this opportunity to wish you a safe trip and thank you for your continued Global business. Need assistance while roaming internationally? Call our support line 24/7. 1.908.559.4899 To view our privacy policy, click here. To unsubscribe from Verizon Wireless e-mailings, click here. Please do not reply to this email. To contact Customer Service, please visit verizonwireless.com and Click on Contact Us. Rates are effective as of the date of this mail, and may change without notice. Rates and other terms and conditions apply to consumer customers. Business customers' rates and other terms and conditions may vary; please refer to your company's agreement with us for additional information. Hope this helps some of you. I will be getting a calling card most likely that is cheaper than the 99 cents a min anyway. Kimmiey
I was told yesterday that I need to change my plan to an international plan, and then when I get back.....I need to switch it back to my regular plan. They pro-rate the usage and it will cost me about $39 as long as I don't go over 450 mins. Cancun is 3G according to the Verizon peeps I talked to yesterday. Now, I don't have a "smartphone" so that is probably a totally different animal.