I don't have time for a search... if anyone has a link to US Customs or TSAs websites with an article, feel free to post it. Our company has just issued travel laptops and travel phones to the outside teams. Why? We've been told that as of last week, not only do Custom Agents have the right to search through your data, they are allowed to make copies of all your data as well now. They can take copies of any digital media, including laptops, cell phones, digital cameras, solid state storage, mp3s... I don't think we, like most companies, have anything threatening to hide, but we do carry proprietary and confidential ip on our laptops and phones. It's one thing to have a customs agent look through your data - it's another to have an untrained person make copies of this data and then trust them to address your company's privacy policies and concerns.
does that not go against the privacy legislation? i mean i know its a canadian thing but we have to comply with our laws how could you just hand over confidential information like that
Lexmark makes a jumpdrive that has built in encryption that government employees use. Nobody can access the data other than the owner. Your company might want to look into those if your employee's have to travel with proprietry information. I was looking at those just last week and now I've lost the link. I will try to find it for you. Will also see if I can find info on what US Customs TSA folks can do with your electronic data/machines,etc. Michelle
Lexar makes the encrypted drives. As long as you have the data with you, they have the right to search it. If you don’t give up YOUR passwords to YOUR private information, they can refuse you entry. Our response is to travel with blank media and then synchronize online once we land. Before leaving, synchronize again and then wipe all storage and reset all travel equipment to manufacturer default settings.
I still have un published photo's on my digital camera from the last CT trip that I wouold have been more than happy for the customs or homeland security guys to sieze from me in order for them to stop them leaving the country :lol: :lol: :lol: Ian :lol: :lol:
Dan your right.....I was just advised that the Lexar jumpdrive doesn't solve the problem. You can thank the Bush Administration for your extra troubles....an so can Nelson Mandela....he is now on the US terrorist list and they refuse to remove his name. Michelle
Nelson Mandela, that is almost funny, if it wasn't so pathetic. http://en.canoe.ca/home.html Read famous George Bush quotes, number 16.
Don't seem so surprised next time please. I normally am Direct Link http://cnews.canoe.ca/CNEWS/Microgalleries/georgebush/
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