If you are a Cablemas customer who receives 284 & 286 (ABC & NBC), as I have for several years, when you swap out your box you will not be able to receive these two channels. If you are a Cablemas subscriber who WANTS these channels they will not give them to you, unless you are a hotel in the HZ. The cost has been $14.15 pesos for each of these channels. Many of us have had them for years. I would like to hear from Cablemas customers who either have the service now, have lost it recently OR who would take this service if available. Please PM me and we can try to restore our service to these channels. Thanks,
As I said when we spoke yesterday, TJ, I'm in! You know I have those channels and love them and don't want to lose them so let me know if you need me to join in the protest. ;-) I'll let you know what I find out when I go to Cablemas next week.
Same here, which sucks! Also they have no idea when they might install it, the service literally stops 0.25km away! :ranting1: