Uploading A Photo Into A Thread

Discussion in 'Temptation Cancun' started by wild1s, Feb 3, 2019.

  1. wild1s

    wild1s Naughty 'n Nice Registered Member

    Aug 29, 2012
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    Sam here! I notice that there is some confusion on how to upload a photo into a thread. There's a lot of talk about using Photobucket, etc. That has not been necessary for a long time. It is VERY easy now.

    The issue that most people run into is that the photo is too large. This will put an immediate end to your uploading. You will need to install a photo resizing app. By far, the easiest I have found is Photo Resizer by Xllusion. Just select the photo you want to upload from the app and select "custom size." Enter 600 x 600 which is the largest size allowed on Cancuncare.com. The app will save that size and you won't need to enter it again. Once you resize the photo, the app will save it in a "Photo Resizer" album in your gallery.

    To upload a properly sized photo, simply click "Upload a File" from the menu at the bottom of the Cancuncare.com form. IMG_20190203_31729.jpg Select the file from the Photo Resizer album in you gallery and click "open."

    Once back in the Cancuncare.com form, look at the bottom and you can select to save it as an thumbnail or as a full screen photo. Make your selection and hit "Post Reply." IMG_20190203_41520.jpg
    That's it, but it only works if the photos are the right size.

    Hope that is useful.
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  2. ScubaSteve

    ScubaSteve CCC's The Dude Registered Member

    Jul 29, 2014
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    Nice info Sam. Anything to help the ladies get more pictures up ;)

    Another easy option is to just use the "snipping tool" on your PC (pointed out below).

    1. Pull up your picture
    2. Adjust image window to an appropriate size
    3. Click the snipping tool
    4. Drag cursor over image for selection
    5. Right click and "Copy" image
    6. Right click and "Paste" it in the thread. It will automatically upload.

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  3. Stacia_and_John

    Stacia_and_John T&A Tour Guide Registered Member

    Mar 1, 2012
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    Huh... I didn't know this. Right though. System didn't auto-resize the pic down from 1200x800 to whatever is acceptable on CCC (which I guess is the as-stated 600x600). I dropped this one to 600x400 and here it is now. Neat.
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