Two choices..... Life decisions that people have to make are never simple. The importance of the initial decision should always be examined over the long run. Memories made and cherished are sure to be tempered along the way. Consider the following two choices... Should I get a Dog ... ... or have children?
So far nothing as wild for me. Nathaniel broke a picture of his mom and grandmother. Natalie used a green marker to make art directly on a brand-new fine breakfast table we bought the week before. Valerie has discovered how to spit a mouthful of water up to three feet during her me a bath, too.
Natalie and Valerie are the twins (over 2-1/2 yrs old). Nathaniel is their big brother...but only by 10 months! :lol: :shock: Here's an old pic thread for 'em. The girls look much more different now, of course:
Absolutely adorable!!!! We will be trying again to start our family soon. Twins run in my family on both sides so that has been the prediction. :roll: