Hello Cancun Friends,:aktion069: Does anyone know when this tropical storm weather is expected to end?? Im heading down to Cancun TTR November 7-14 2011 and hoping for lots and lots of sunshine. This storm seems pretty fierce and hoping that Mother Nature gets all this rain outta her system within the next 3 weeks so I can enjoy the beauty of Cancun and the sun.:sunny: Any info would be much appreciated. Thanks All :liebe011:
If it rains from now til then, I am moving. It's a tropical cyclone that wants to hang out for a lil while. No storm system in the world that I know of lasts 20 odd days. The last one of these was in July and it rained for about 4 solid days. This should be gone in a day or two.
Things are almost back to normal. Skies still overcast but the sun is trying it's hardest to come out. Another 24 hours and it'll be business as usual I think.
We got here on Saturday and were very worried after two days of the scariest weather I have ever experienced! Our room was flooded and we had to move yesterday - the place was so slippery it was nearly taking your life to walk the halls (I have the bruises to prove it!). Weather is much improved today, hope it stays this way!!
I was reading that average temps for november are mid to high eighties in the mid to late afternoons, with mornings andevenings being in low to mid seventies. "most often" when it rains in november, it is before 7 am and lasts a short time. Sounds perfect to me.
Aww, thats exactly what I needed to hear. This storm they have been having seems to have been going on for a few weeks now almost??? Im sure it will all be done with by the time we get there (fingers crossed) Get the drinks ready everyone